1. Wonder if every twinge or pain in your lower abdomen is from ovulation. 2. Clean the bathroom. 3. Google every possible symptom that could mean you are ovulating. 4. Mop the kitchen floor. 5. Watch last weeks episode of Jon and Kate plus eight. 6. Eat a whole pizza by yourself because you just know you have all the signs that you googled and you will need the extra calories very soon. 7. Count your days AGAIN on the calendar just in case you screwed up the last 100 times you counted them. No, I never went a bought a kit. If I get a negative I will just be in denial. Maybe I will get one tomorrow...maybe I won't Maybe I will just wait for a few weeks and see what happens.
This blog is about my personal walk through life. I have had several tough spots (who hasn't) and I refuse to let that get me down or stop me. I hope through sharing my experiences that I can connect with others and inspire them. This blog was started at a particular rough time, but it has grown into so much more.