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Showing posts from March, 2010

Back to work

My 30 week appointment went well yesterday. I actually lost weight this time! Don't know how I managed to do that. I made a batch of cookies last week and I pretty much polished them off myself. I'm not complaining! Today I'm going back to work for the first time in a whole two months. I don't really think my doctor was too fond of my going back, but I really have no choice right now. If I didn't feel like I could do it, I wouldn't, but I have been feeling pretty good and he seems to think I am doing great this go around. My FMLA is almost up and I need to hold onto my job as long as I can until this baby is born. I'm pretty sure my boss has an evil plan to let me go as soon as she is legally able to. So, as you can guess I am looking forward to going back! It's just for about 7 more weeks or so. I can do that. I actually got up at the first buzzer this morning when the alarm went off. Wonder how long that will last? It probably helps that falling as...

Oh, what a day

I'm feeling a little blah today. It's beautiful outside and I am stuck indoors. Maybe I will go sit out on the porch for a little bit this afternoon. Technically it is indoors since the porch is glassed in, right? This is going to start to get hard now since it is getting so nice outside. My Aunt loaned me her full disc set of all the seasons of the show "Friends" a few weeks ago. I didn't realize there were so many of them! I'm a little halfway through and have made it a personal goal of mine to get to the end. Then next on my list is "Desperate Housewives", which another aunt loaned me. I've moved away from my reading phase. I don't know what it is, but I have always been like that. I will read like crazy for a straight month or so and then stop cold turkey for who knows how long. Hopefully the baby bedding comes in tomorrow like it is supposed to so we can, well more like so Chris can go get the paint for the walls in the baby's ...

Week 28

I'm 28 weeks along and seem to be doing great. My doctor still has me on bed rest, which I am bummed about. I would really like to go back to work. At this point I'm not sure if I will have a job to go back to, but my little growing girl is what is important to me. I can always get another job. In a way the weeks have flown by. I have put so many weeks behind me as I look at what I have accomplished. Then I look to the weeks ahead and it still looks like a long road. I have 9 weeks until my cerclage comes out, but then break that down into months and that is still a little over two months! I am sure it will fly by though. I went to the doctor today and he said everything looks great and I am doing great. The baby's heart rate was around 150 where it usually is. I return in 2 weeks for another check-up. My shower is 3 weeks from Saturday! I am really getting excited! I escaped from the house a few weeks ago (shhhhhh) to buy a couple dresses for her on my birthday. Hey,...