My 30 week appointment went well yesterday. I actually lost weight this time! Don't know how I managed to do that. I made a batch of cookies last week and I pretty much polished them off myself. I'm not complaining! Today I'm going back to work for the first time in a whole two months. I don't really think my doctor was too fond of my going back, but I really have no choice right now. If I didn't feel like I could do it, I wouldn't, but I have been feeling pretty good and he seems to think I am doing great this go around. My FMLA is almost up and I need to hold onto my job as long as I can until this baby is born. I'm pretty sure my boss has an evil plan to let me go as soon as she is legally able to. So, as you can guess I am looking forward to going back! It's just for about 7 more weeks or so. I can do that. I actually got up at the first buzzer this morning when the alarm went off. Wonder how long that will last? It probably helps that falling as...
This blog is about my personal walk through life. I have had several tough spots (who hasn't) and I refuse to let that get me down or stop me. I hope through sharing my experiences that I can connect with others and inspire them. This blog was started at a particular rough time, but it has grown into so much more.