Life is a sequence of c hoices . We get to choose if we want to get up out of bed in the morning, go to work, how we get to work, what we are going to do when we get there. Be productive, scroll Facebook, look at pictures on Instagram. Maybe you're going to talk to your desk neighbor for a bit before you dive into a stack of paperwork. We get to choose . Even though it doesn't seem like a choice , we all have to make money right? But it is. We could be a bum. We could be homeless. Of course, nobody really lets it get that far. I mean yes, there are homeless people. And people that are in really bad circumstances. But I believe we have all been through trying times, poor conditions, and terrible circumstances. And it's all about how we choose for it to affect us. Are we going to lie down and let that truck run us over? Or are we going to get moving and move out of the darn way? I think that the majori...
This blog is about my personal walk through life. I have had several tough spots (who hasn't) and I refuse to let that get me down or stop me. I hope through sharing my experiences that I can connect with others and inspire them. This blog was started at a particular rough time, but it has grown into so much more.