Life is a sequence of choices. We get to choose if we want to get up out of bed in the morning, go to work, how we get to work, what we are going to do when we get there. Be productive, scroll Facebook, look at pictures on Instagram. Maybe you're going to talk to your desk neighbor for a bit before you dive into a stack of paperwork.
We get to choose. Even though it doesn't seem like a choice, we all have to make money right? But it is. We could be a bum. We could be homeless. Of course, nobody really lets it get that far. I mean yes, there are homeless people. And people that are in really bad circumstances. But I believe we have all been through trying times, poor conditions, and terrible circumstances. And it's all about how we choose for it to affect us. Are we going to lie down and let that truck run us over? Or are we going to get moving and move out of the darn way?
I think that the majority of us are going to up and move out of the way.
Don't let terrible circumstances define you. We can't choose everything that happens to us. The death of a child. A horrible medical condition. A car accident that wasn't our fault...put any negative event here...but we can choose how we can let these events affect our lives.
We cannot let them define us.
In April 2018 I was sick and tired of how I was feeling, how I looked, and most of all how I was letting certain things around me control my life. Negative thoughts mainly. I decided to take my health and fitness into my own hands. I had been trying to get things under control for a while and nothing was working. Turns out I wasn't trying hard enough. As humans, we are instant gratification creatures. At least I am. And if something isn't working in the amount of time I expect it to, I give up. Turns out this whole health and fitness thing isn't something you just do for a while. It's a lifestyle and that is something that didn't click for quite some time.
Here I am 16 months later and I'm still working at it. Am I exactly where I want to be? No. But I like my arms now and they are something I hated about myself for years.💪 I'm stronger, I'm healthier (I have my annual lab numbers to prove that) and I feel good about myself. I am a better human being than I was when I started this journey, mentally and physically.
It's a choice. Nobody is forcing you to. But you owe it to yourself to take care of you.
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