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Showing posts from November, 2009

Thanksgiving weekend

I hope everybody had a safe and happy holiday! I can't believe my four day weekend is almost over! But, I've had a great time off. Thanksgiving we spent at my parent's house with a couple of my aunts. We had chili and spent the afternoon talking. Then that evening Chris and I made an awesome dinner and had two of our very good friends over. Since my Mom decided to just make chili that day, since her side of the family got together later on in the weekend, I just had to make a traditional Thanksgiving dinner! Especially since I can indulge this year without too much guilt. It was a great holiday spent with family and friends. I didn't join in on the black Friday madness. I just don't do that sort of thing. Saturdays at the grocery store stresses me out. We did however go out later that afternoon when it was much calmer. Today was my side of the family's big get together. It was a very nice time and great food, again! But, it was hard to go through another h...

11 week bump

It's a little blurry and I kind of posted it late since I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow. And that's not an outtie already!!! It's my shirt I promise!

Warning...this could get messy

So, this is pretty much a rant and I apologize ahead of time for this, but sometimes you just have to get it off your chest. There is a girl at work that every time I mention about something aching or happening to me that I link to my pregnancy she insists that it's not related to my pregnancy. What the heck? She has no idea what is going on with my body! I'll just give an example from this morning. When I woke up my side hut, my lower side. So, when she asked me what was wrong today I told her my side hurt. She's like "from what?" and I said, "probably from me getting fatter". Now, before I tell you what she said, let me back up my theory of why I thought this was the reason for my side hurting. I read on one of my MANY pregnancy info sites that one of the symptoms I could be having is my side hurting from stretching, growing, ya know. Well, she says "I highly doubt that." I could understand if this girl that I work with has never been pregnan...

Recommended sleep time for a pregnant woman is???

So, I fell asleep at my desk at work today. I was so stinking tired after lunch that I just thought I would lay my head down for a few minutes and close my eyes for just a second and I just kept nodding off! Thank goodness everyone knows I'm pregnant or they would think I needed more sleep. I went to bed at 9 o'clock last night! There should be some kind of rule enforced about nap time after lunch, especially for pregnant women. Like kindergarten...when you refused to sleep! Now, I would give up an hour of pay to have that back! I also sneaked down to the radiology department early this morning to have one of the techs peek at my little baby. I work at a hospital and they all know what I've been through, so the girl that was down there didn't hesitate when I asked. Even though I just had an ultrasound on Tuesday. Anyway, baby was there and bouncing around with a strong heartbeat at 183! I'm going to keep my freak outs to a minimum and try not to bug them too muc...

Two of a kind

Like my pregnancy with Darcy, I do not have any morning sickness. It's actually the opposite. If I don't eat, I get nauseated and I get a headache. I won't feel like eating, but I force myself to cause I know it will make me feel better. So, I just eat often to prevent that from happening! I do consider myself pretty lucky in that aspect. If it wasn't for the positive pregnancy test and all the appointments I'm going to I wouldn't know I was pregnant. Oh yeah, and the constant trips to the bathroom. How could I forget those? I'm craving sub sandwiches . Turkey and cheese subs with lettuce and mayo is what I'm usually asking for. Unfortunately, I am craving sweets. Halloween was a killer. I ate way too much candy! Darcy didn't like sweets. I never craved them with her. I so wish I could turn away sugar now. But, I've been able to control myself a little more...even though I just devoured fried ice cream from the Mexican restaurant in town. Bad m...

I'm pregnant!

I've been keeping it a secret for a little while now. We are so very excited, but also so very nervous. We went for our third ultrasound today and everything looks "excellent". That is a direct quote from our doctor! The heart rate was 185, up from 140 three weeks ago! I'm 10 weeks, so we have a little while before we find out if we are having another girl or a little boy. Since our daughter was born at 21 weeks from my lovely incompetent cervix, I just love that name, but I guess it gets the point across, I will be getting a cervical cerclage at 15 weeks. He described it like this, " Have you ever had one of this draw string purses? It's pretty much like that". HAH! Whatever as long as it holds this little baby in there! The surgery will be December 17th. I'm a litter nervous and I'm sure I'll be a lot nervous as the date gets closer, but I will do whatever it takes! Today our little baby was moving around a lot in there and was showing off ...