I know I have briefly mentioned my heart condition in my blog before. I told how with my pregnancies there was a very small chance of it being passed down genetically. Fortunately that didn't happen. I am the only one in my family that has this or any type of structural heart defect. It's called Transposition of the Great Arteries, now referred to as Transposition of the Great Vessels. It's a congenital defect and there is no explanation for why it happens at this time. The defect happens while the heart is developing in the very early stages of life. The abnormality is very severe and is not compatible with life. So shortly after the baby is born he/she will need open heart surgery to correct the abnormality. This is a normal heart. This picture shows the circulation of blood. Below I have a picture of a normal heart compared to a heart with Transposition of the Great Arteries. Here you can see the structural differences. This defect does not allow the oxygena...
This blog is about my personal walk through life. I have had several tough spots (who hasn't) and I refuse to let that get me down or stop me. I hope through sharing my experiences that I can connect with others and inspire them. This blog was started at a particular rough time, but it has grown into so much more.
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