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March of Dimes!


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Pills...pills...more pills?!

As I mentioned a while back, I went to the OB/GYN doctor on the fourth of August. He ran some blood work to see my progesterone , FSH and LH levels.They all came back showing the classic signs of PCOS . But, I have a great doctor and he is determined to get me ovulating regularly. He says I obviously don't have a problem getting pregnant, since I've been there twice before, it's just my ovulation is out of whack. Yes, I said twice before. In February we found out that I was pregnant again, four days later I lost it. I was only five weeks along. We didn't tell our families just a few close friends. Anyway, after the test results came back my doctor started me on Metformin . I've heard of women with PCOS taking this because of insulin resistance and it helps them to regulate, but he told me that it would help decrease the risk of a miscarriage. So I started that on the eleventh. Aunt flow decided not to show up this month so he prescribed me Prometrium (progesteron...

Next challenge!

I completed 21 Day Fix this past Sunday and began LIIFT4 the very next day.  No rest for the wicked! I'm loving it so far.  It's only 4 days a week and no more than 40 minutes a day.   Weekends off, WHAT?!  But, not off nutrition wise.  Still sticking to the portion fix plan.  And I can tell a lot of changes in my body and my body reacts very well to eating clean, which I suppose everyone's would.  I do treat myself from time to time with some wine or a light beer and we did just go out for pizza the other night.  Everything in moderation.  Today's breakfast was vanilla Shakeology with chai tea, chia seeds, cinnamon, and half a banana. Remember if you ever want to join me drop me a line over to the right and I'll be in touch!👉👉👉

Ending the first week

As I am ending the first week of my 2 week challenge I am pumped and already looking forward to my next one.  It's so exciting to see others getting involved and sharing their journey with each other.  Not only are they keeping themselves accountable, but it helps me stay on track and they are keeping me accountable.  I feel like it's my job as a coach to be up before everyone and posting that post that they will for see first in the morning.  Their coach got up and worked out already and that I hope is inspiring. This next challenge will be on my own.  As in my coach won't be there to guide me through, I'll be leading it myself.  Along side my new coach that I signed on earlier this week.  I already see my team forming and it's encouraging me to work harder and reach more people. I'm currently doing 21 Day Fix and loving it!  It's 30 minute workouts that I knock out easy before work each day.  It is 7 days a week, but that's simple to do...