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I take back what I said yesterday. My life is not going back together...I kind of had a break down at work today. After that post yesterday, it all started going downhill. Can we say rollarcoaster much? ugh! When will I be "normal" again? I know I will never be the person I was a year ago, which is fine...but, when will all of the...

I'm good....

Not so good....

I think I could curl up and die....

Oh, no I'm alright....

Why can't I have my daughter...

Oh, no I can handle looking at a baby....

Get that baby away from me...



  1. Yeah, it is a roller coaster. Fine and then sobbing. Just when you feel like you are pulling it together, it feels like you have unraveled again. From what I am told (and starting to experience), the better days become more frequent.


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