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I did something

A while back a coworker suggested to me that I give audiobooks a try.  I laughed under my breath and thought to myself "hard pass!".  I thought, "what's the point in LISTENING to a books? I want to READ books!".  That's what a book is!  A few weeks go by and she brings it up again, and this time sends me a sample.  While a lot of my coworkers have jumped on the audiobook bandwagon I just didn't see the point.  The way my attention span is I would end up having to listen to the same thing over and over to remember what I just heard in the first place, let alone comprehend the story.  Days went by and I finally gave in a listened to the audio sample.  While we don't exactly have the same taste in the book department, I had an idea.  What if I kept my entertaining books to the reading kind and gave motivational books a try in the audio world.  I downloaded the Libby app and searched my local library and found a book that I had been interested in reading for a while, but I had yet to get my hands on a copy.  Maybe you've heard of it, "You're a Badass..." by Jen Sincero.  So I found it, downloaded it, listened, and now I'm a BeachBody Coach.


Yeah, I know.  It didn't exactly just happen like that.  I mean it did, but I had chewed on the idea for a while and listening to the book made me decide to take the leap.  I suggest if you haven't read the book then you really should.  It's all about channeling your positive energy and sending it out into the universe and receiving back that positive energy.  What you put out you get back kind of thing.  But, you really must believe in it for it to work.  She also said indecisiveness is for babies and get off your butt and do it already.

The beginning of this year I realized my weight was getting out of control and I wanted to do something about it.  I joined Beachbody on demand, an accountability group and started 80 Day Obsession.  It was hard.  I had dabbled with Shaun T's T25, so I didn't consider myself a baby, but the first week of 80DO left me questioning if I could do it or not.  I couldn't do half the exercises the cast was doing and had to modify quite a bit, even modifying was tough.  But Autumn Calebrese, which is the creator of 80DO, was seriously encouraging and I started to enjoy just listening to her little sayings during the workouts.  I say "little sayings", but they packed a punch!  Before I knew it I was getting stronger and I could do those exercises that I couldn't do at first, and that was the real motivator.  It became a habit and I looked forward to my workouts and excuses were not an option.  I strived to get stonger and push myself just to see what I was capable of and I finished the 80 days and lost 10 pounds.

But, it's what I gained that I take pride in the most.  I gained motivation, a higher self esteem, and a knowledge that I wanted better things for myself.  I'm a work in progress and honestly, this is a lifestyle now.

                                                             Awesome book drop 👇


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