So, I had my appointment with my OBGYN yesterday. It took an hour to see him and for him to tell me what they probably could have achieved over the phone...anyhow he wrote an order to check my progesterone level and some other things before he prescribes me something to help me ovulate. He says he is either going to give me metformin or Clomid. I was kind of expecting those drugs to come up sooner or later. I work at a hospital, so I got my blood work done ASAP and looked at the results today. One of the tests are not in, but my progesterone level was. It was very low. There is the culprit! So, my guess is he is going to put me on Clomid to get me ovulating since my body doesn't want to do it on it's own. He told me to call his office next Tuesday...hah if that last test comes in tomorrow you can bet your you know what that I am calling tomorrow! So, there is where I stand for right now. I hope this is as simple as he is making it sound and I can be happily pregnant soon.
Thank goodness it is Friday! I was so happy when I woke up this morning and remembered that today is Friday. Payday at that! I don't know why payday excites me, as all the money goes to some sort of bill! But, I'm thankful that I can pay them. This weekend is exciting though because I can enjoy it without being sick! Plus I get to go to lunch with my dear friend who I love having lunch with because we can relate to a lot of the same things. Guess that is why we are friends! As the week comes to a close I like to reflect on what has happened during last 5 days. It's crazy how so many ups and downs occur in such a small time frame. No major occurrences (thank goodness) but, one that make you stop and think where you are. This week I discovered that one of my co-workers in my department is expecting. I still don't know why I have the feelings that I do.I should be happy for the ones around me, but I still feel some sort of jealousy. I want so bad to feel excited and happy ...
Glad your finding answers. Keep us posted.